Utility Assistance for Kane and Dekalb Counties

Get HELP with your energy costs from Community Contacts Inc. Through LIHEAP we are able to assist income-eligible households to pay for utilities, like heat, gas, electricity, and furnace repair assistance. This program year, we will be offering online applications for our customers that live in Kane and DeKalb County Illinois to offer more access to our Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program. Please check this page for availability.

LIHEAP is Open for the ‘24-’25 Program Year.

Applications are being taken on a first come first serve basis through August 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted.

There are Four Components to the LIHEAP program

Standard LIHEAP Program

One-time assistance with heat and electric bills, payment sent directly to the utility

Emergency Furnace

Replacement of non-functional furnace for homeowners who fall within the income guidelines

Reconnection Assistance

Emergency help when disconnected from heat or electricity. Or if the delivered fuel is less than 25% in tank or supplier refuses to deliver, household may be eligible for this program.

Percentage of Income Payment Program

Clients pay a percentage of their income toward utility bills and receive a monthly payment to cover the remainder (funding is currently unavailable to new customers).

Am I Eligible?

Households with a 30-day gross income that is at or below 200% of the poverty level. Community Contacts Inc, as administrator of the Energy Assistance Program in Kane and DeKalb County, is assisting ALL income-eligible households with their natural gas, propane and/or electric bills and furnace assistance for inoperable heating systems.
Family Size30 Day Income

What do I need?

Applicants will need to bring documentation to their appointment to apply for the energy assistance program.

Required Documentation for Program Eligibility

For each household member, please have the following documents ready to confirm eligibility:

*Assistance is available to households with undocumented residents. please contact our intake office with any additional questions.

Apply Now

When the online application is available, you will click the button below to begin your online application. The information you enter is the same information that would be asked of you during an interview with an intake worker. Please pay close attention to all fields, and answer all questions accurately– it will be verified later.

All information provided will be kept confidential and used only for its intended purpose.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I am not in the priority period?
Your application will be held until you are eligible, and it will be processed by a CCI staff member as soon as possible. Your status letter will arrive 45 days after the application is entered. 

You will not need to reapply unless there is a separate, unrelated issue with your application– we will be reprocessing applications submitted in the wrong priority period when open enrollment begins on December 1st.

If your application is denied, you can call us at (847) 697-4400 and we’d be happy to help you understand our decision and, if possible, overturn the denial on your application.

We understand that this application process will not work for all of our customers. That is why we are still offering in-person appointments. If you cannot or don’t want to submit an online application, you are welcome to call us at (847) 697-4400 or visit www.liheap.as.me (when available) to schedule an appointment in one of our intake sites.

Your application and documents will be received by a Community Contacts employee and entered. If we will require any additional documentation, we will contact you by phone or email. Applications take about 30 days to process on average.

You will receive a letter in the mail in about 45 days after your application is entered.

We sincerely appreciate your patience as we process yours, and the rest of our customers applications. We are currently short staffed and are doing our best to serve our customers in a timely manner. If your application has been entered and processing for more than 45 days, feel free to call us at (847) 697-4400 and we can investigate the matter further.

After processing, it can take up to 1 or 2 billing cycles for our payment to show up on your bill.

We recommend that you notify the utility that you’ve applied for LIHEAP. We also recommend contacting the utility and trying to set up some type of payment plan (our benefit will not change due to a payment plan). After you have done those things, please call us at (847) 697-4400 so we can process your application as an emergency re-connection assistance application.

We suggest that you wait to apply until you are moved into your new home. Once you are moved in, call your county’s LIHEAP office and schedule an appointment. If you’ve already submitted your application with us, please notify us immediately and we can withdraw it. It can take up to 90 days for your benefit to be completely paid to the utility. A customer can only receive a benefit once per program year. If you are approved and your benefit is paid to a closed account, it will be refunded to the original grant it was paid from and you will have to wait to reapply until the next program year.

If your application has not been completely processed and paid, you can call and notify us of the situation and we can work to a solution together. If the benefit has already been paid, it is between you and the utility to transfer funds if it is a possibility.

The following is direct wording from the state regarding this matter:

The response the LAA [Local Administering Agency] should be able to give to customers is: the past 3 years Illinois has received supplemental state and federal funding that allowed us to set higher benefits and to keep them higher from one program year to the next. This year we do not have that extra funding, so the benefit amounts had to be adjusted accordingly. If the customer isn’t satisfied with that response from the LAA [Local Administering Agency] staff, then it is within the customer’s appeal rights to appeal the amount of benefit they have received. The LAA [Local Administering Agency] would need to review the customer’s file and set up an Informal Conference with the customer to explain the same thing. The Informal Conference is the first step of a formal appeal.